Sunday, February 24, 2013

Grilled Chicken Dijon

Here is your basic eat-as-is or use in a dish calling for grilled chicken.   This is my basic go-to marinated grilled chicken recipe that I have been using for over 15 years.  It comes from the previous edition of "Joy of Cooking" but, sadly, is not in the current edition.  Go figure.

I have used this chicken in so many ways.  If you have a really stunning side dish but need some protein on the side, this is the way to go.  It makes terrific chicken salad or just about any dish that calls for cooked chicken.  Make this a basic in your recipe repertoire.


3 1/2 to 4 1/2 pounds chicken parts
1/3 cup olive oil
1/3 cup strained fresh lemon juice
3 Tbsp Dijon mustard
2-3 tsp minced garlic
3/4 tsp salt
1/2 tsp ground black pepper

 Mix all ingredients except the chicken in a large bowl.  Add the chicken to the marinade and turn to coat well.   (I use a large ziplock bag so I can keep squishy and turning it around).  Cover and refrigerate for 2-24 hours.

Heat your gas, charcoal, or electric grill.  Cover and cook (turning as needed) until chicken is no longer pink inside.  

Freeze any leftovers for future use (there'll always be a use!!!)

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